Master thesis proposals on non-linear response of VAT composite plate and shell structures

Location: Politecnico di Torino.

Internship/Master thesis proposal on Digital Twins for full-field monitoring in vibration control applications

Location: Siemens, Leuven, Belgium.

MSc thesis on Introduction of numerical and experimental methods to investigate the vibro-acoustic responses of lightweight structures subjected to direct acoustic fields

Location: Siemens, Leuven, Belgium.

Materiali piezoelettrici per il controllo attivo del rumore e delle vibrazioni in cabina

Piezoelectric materials for the active control of noise and vibrations in aircraft cabin
(Study on the usage of piezoelectric materials, to be applied to cabin lining, for the active control of noise and vibrations and design of the relative control system in Simulink)

Analisi termo-meccanica di materiali innovativi (“lightweight joined components” e “antibacterial silver coatings”) utilizzati in fusoliera

Thermo-mechanical analysis of innovative materials (“lightweight joined components” and “antibacterial silver coatings”) used in the fuselage

Utilizzo di sensori e attuatori piezoelettrici per il controllo attivo di rumore e vibrazioni in fusoliera

Usage of sensor and actuator piezo-patches for the active control of noise and vibrations in the fuselage

Soluzioni per persone con ridotta mobilità (PRM) all’interno della cabina di un velivolo

Solutions for People with Reduced Mobility (PRM) in the aircraft cabin

Progettazione degli interni della cabina di un velivolo Regionale considerando il Fattore Umano

Design of major cabin interiors of a Regional aircraft taking into account Human Factors

Implementazione di modelli FEM avanzati per valutare l’assorbimento acustico di materiali compositi

Implementation of advanced FEM models to evaluate the acoustic absorption of composite materials

Progettazione di metamateriali per assorbimento acustico e vibrazionale

Design of metamaterials for acoustic and vibrations absorption

Studio dell’attenuazione di rumore e vibrazione in fusoliera tramite l’utilizzo di software commerciali

Study of noise and vibration reduction in the fuselage by commercial software tools

Valutazione e selezione di modelli trave tramite algoritmi genetici e soluzioni esatte di teorie avanzate

Evaluation and selection of beam models by genetic algorithms and exact solution of advanced theories

Analisi e progetto di meccanismi per docking per applicazioni spaziali

Analysis and design of docking mechanisms for space applications

Simulazione di strutture spaziali realizzate con tecniche di ''Additive Manufacturing''

Simulation and analysis of space structures made by ''Additive Manufacturing''

Progetto e analisi di moduli e veicoli spaziali di tipo Inflatable

Design and analysis of inflatable space modules

Aeroelasticità di ponti sospesi

Aeroelasticity of suspension bridges

Aeroelasticità di torri ad alto allungamento

Aeroelasticity of slender towers

Problemi di interazione meccanica del volo e aeroelasticità di superfici portanti

Aeroservoelasticity of lifting surfaces

Sviluppo di elementi finiti per problemi multicampo

Development of advanced finite elements for multi-field problems

Problemi di stabilità di strutture leggere irrigidite

Instability problems of reinforced light structures


Prof. Erasmo Carrera, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Alfonso Pagani, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Marco Petrolo, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Ing. Matteo Filippi, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Ing. Enrico Zappino, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.